Is it your device?
I am seeing there is a MIDI port out. Did you connect it to your laptop with EMU? Can EMU see the device (in the settings, on the MIDI tab dropdown menu click search).
You should have 2 ways:
1) Map your controller buttons to EMU change banks/programs buttons. In result you will be able to manually change banks/programs by pressing your controller buttons. But this is not your case based on your description. So go the second item.
2) I don't have B Beat, but it should be alike I think. So for example I am going to show the way it works with Logic Pro. You will need do the same way on you B Beat. Firstly we need make output channel for the track which sends MIDI notes. For example it is 16. In the MIDI tab you're having your B Beat when I am having IAC driver. Then need to understand Midi Chart Notes:
So if you put MIDI note E-2 it B Beat will send event 4. But in EMU it will assign to Bank/Program number 5. It is because in chart we're having 0 value when bank/program start with 1. So bank/program is always equal to "chart value+1":
So when you put your MIDI notes on your track in the place aligned with your timeline - you should get your banks/programs be changed as you want. See attached small video (slow it down to see more thoroughly coming notes, changing programs).
you may choose any, but it should match with the channel number on your B Beat midi output.
So B beat midi channel output MUST BE THE SAME AS EMU midi channel input. Just like I showed on my picture where I chose channel 16. You may see 16 for Logic pro output and 16 for EMU input.
muchas gracias por tomarse su tiempo para explicarme.
coloque "16" en ambos:
Ahora quisiera pedirle que me ayude a mapear, es q aun no lo tengo claro.
En la siguiente imagen les tengo 3 preguntas:
1.- Esta es la pestana en donde voy a mapear?
2.- Estoy pensando que debo mapear en cada una de las escenas programadas, En los 3 puntos que hay al final del nombre de cada escena, pero no me da la opción de nada. Así que creo que aquí no es.
3.- en estas 3 líneas que señalé en la imagen siguiente, aquí si me da la opción, será aquí el lugar donde debo mapear?
1 - it is just main view. Here you can see your fixtures. Each fixture has it's faders and each fader represents a DMX channel it uses.
2 - here is the list of your programs (fixture states). You program each of them in the way you want your lights act. Then your manually change them (but who does it - I don't know) or use a DAW to automatize your show. There are two ways to automatize your show - via MIDI notes which change you banks/programs in a timeline you want, or via VST where you map you faders to a DAW and there in a DAW draw you automation lines in a timeline you want.
3 - it is just we call it "burger menu". From there we VST map all faders of a fader.
I would recommend you sir to get a little bit closer acquaintance with EMU on youtube. There are tons of videos, tutorials they can help you a lot. Including working with MIDI and working with VST.
Javier Parra
me gustaria poder sincronizar mis escenas de luces dmx hechas en enttec emu via midi cuando reproduzco audio en mi B Beat M live. Es mi primera vez y no se como hacerlo. muchas gracias de antemano