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Bank and Program lines stopped working

Hey guys. First time posting on this forum. I've been using ableton 11 standard live to and the Enttec VST to synchronize my lights with EMU for the last year, with some issues but otherwise mostly successfully. I just got done building my 2025 set on my studio computer which doesn't come on tour, and when transferring it over to my MacBook, I ran into this issue. 

I use the VST to change bank, program, fader 1 & fader 2 via automation lanes. This has worked great for me until now. All of a sudden, my bank and program automation lanes are white and red-dotted, and when I click "re-enable automation" it just reverts back to white and dotted red. 

It's as if something within the plugin is sending automation unintentionally to both the bank and/or the program parameters. The fader automation is working fine, but the plug in isn't letting me switch bank and program. 

Now, even if I open a new live set, I'm unable to write in any automation on the bank and program lanes at all. 

I built the set on EMU but I put it on my MacBook, I used the latest installed the latest EMU update to 25.01.20.. this is what triggered the problem I believe. 

I have tried uninstalling and going back to but the problem remains. 

I even went back onto my Mac mini, where all was working fine, and updated EMU to see if that was the issue and BOOM! those parameters stopped working on this computer as well. 

Unfortunately when I uninstall and go back to the older version, the problem remains. 

Photo attached is what my automation lanes are showing. You can see that the bank and program lanes are white and red dotted and I'm unable to adjust or write it anything, and the fader 1 and fader 2 lanes are good to go and working properly. 

Someone please help, tour is coming up soon and I've got to get this figured out! 

Thanks so much!


I wanted to respond here in case anyone runs into the same issue - 

I worked it out with the help of the support team! I guess the issue was in the update for EMU and the AU plugin was no longer working for ableton. I had to switch over to the VST version and copy all of my automation over the a new midi track using the VST instead of the AU and it all works great!

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Hey mate, that sounds complicated. Did you try to raise a ticket? Usually the support helps willingly and promptly - they can suggest, advise, resolve, to make the long story short - they do everything to make our life easier.

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