Not sure whether you confused anything or not. But will clarify not to disorder you. If you speak about macros - that's a way to make a change in a quick way (pick many variety of colors, make selections, move faders and etc) :
and these macros can't be revised or added new.
But if you need different states for your light fixtures - you should use "programs" - then you may revise them, save, delete (basically this is the way to make lighting shows):
Hi Martin,
User definable preset functionality is something we have in our backlog and hope to add in a future update.
For now the above suggestion is the best way.
We have a heap of exciting stuff on the way so stay tuned!
Thanks for the quick reply and trying to understand me!
I'm playing backing tracks out of Ableton Live, and controlling EMU through both the VST plugin controlling individual dimmer faders and through MIDI messages controlling banks and programs. Each song is a new bank. I'm using the programs for color changes and the VST plugin for dimming.
I guess it's more of a workflow thing, being able to just click a color preset from the macro, instead of copying a program from another bank for a certain shade of white that works well on my pars.
Maybe the best for me is to have a own bank or show with color presets?
Brand new user here. No background in lighting. I'm programming and recording click tracks for my band, and thought I might as well try to design some lighting.
I'm experimenting with different variants of white with my rgbww pars, and would like to be able to save macros. Is it, or will it, be possible at any point?