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Backing Up Shows

Through my ENTTEC Account, on EMU software is there anyway to backup all my shows?

For example, if one day I lost my Macbook or it wasn't turning on, how would I access my shows, banks, and programs that I've created? Is there any way to backup through my account or what's the best way to backup onto a hard drive? Is there a way to do this?


Just open EMU, open the "SHOWS" tab and click "import" button. Then find your .emu file and pick it. So that you'll get your show with all it's banks, programs, patches on the new machine. Try once just for curiosity and you'll see it, pretty straightforward process.

Perfect so I’ve done that now, so if I were to transfer it over to another computer for example how would “.emu” be opened to have all my banks and programs? Thanks!

You should do it from the “SHOWS” tab using button “Export” which will give you then .EMU extension file.

Okay, so on the programs tab I’ve got banks and programs and then shows on the left side. How do I save a show as at the moment it’s saying default and I can’t change it or save anything? Presumably I would somehow save all my banks and programs into one show that I could store on a Hard drive or something?

The only way I know is to export your shows from the shows tab and keep those exported .emu extension files in a safe place. I use cloud service for that. So whenever I need my shows on any machine - I download the shows and import them to EMU. Just keep the shows files up to date from time to time.

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